LilaChen03 Aug 2019 New Zealand各位大神, 由于目前申请工作、移民的工资越来越高,所以我在看看有没有别的办法。 偶尔看到这个talent的签证,两种可能,其一是认证的工作单位加上55000NZD的年薪,另外一个就是在艺术、文化和体育领域有突出贡献的。 第二种,我看了移民操作手册,写着申请者需要被New Zealand organisation of national repute认可。
WR2.10 Definition of 'New Zealand organisation of national repute'
A 'New Zealand organisation of national repute' is: a New Zealand organisation that has a nationally recognised record of excellence in a field of art, culture or sport; or a New Zealand organisation that has a nationally recognised record of excellence in fostering exceptional talent in a field of art, culture or sport.
请问这样的认证机构到底要如何确认? 当然体育局、艺术局那种肯定是可以的,但是文化culture的界限就很模糊了。 是否有一个明确的认证机构名册还是要case by case来确认?? 比如Otago地区的政府是不是能够资质推荐?
smcApplicant15 Jul 2019 ChinaITA 後,已扣款,收到實體回郵文件+證件... 請問是否會有Email通知,何時會分配co? EOI system shows Resident Visa = Pending EOI status = Application Received
castiel07 May 2019 China因为马上要去新西兰找工作了,所以想要一份ITA之后的checklist,这样可以先在国内准备好材料.谢谢各位大神
2楼alewaterL2(08 May 2019, Hongkong)每个人的checklist都不一样@TA
3楼Jack Liu作者L9(23 May 2019, Intranet)
□ 1. A signed and completed application form □ 2. Application fee □ 3. National Security Check Form (INZ1209) * □ 4. Additional Information Form (INZ1200) * □ 5. A current passport(s) or certificate of identity for each applicant □ 6. A full birth certificate(s) for each applicant □ 7. Completed medical certificate(s) for each applicant □ 8. Police certificate(s) □ 9. Partnership evidence * □ 10. English language evidence □ 11. Employer Supplementary Form (INZ1235) * □ 12. Employment Agreement and job description* □ 13. IRD Summary of Earnings and payslips * □ 14. Evidence of occupational registration * □ 15. Qualification certificate(s) and transcript(s) * □ 16. Work Experience evidence* □ 17. Partner’s qualification * □ 18. Partner’s employment agreement and job description *@TA
dfyycl11 Jun 2019 China1. 学历认证相关的问题: 我的本科、硕士都是在英国念的。其中硕士所读院校及证书是在官方LQEA豁免名单内的。那么我以下理解对吗? a. 我是不需要做IQA的 b. 在EOI入选之后,为获得申请的70积分,我需要提供各类学历学位原件证明这段话“Note: If your qualification is on the LQEA all the requirements of the list must be met including the name of the qualification, the awarding institution, and the date it was awarded.” c. 其中LQEA中说明的“the qualification was awarded from or within the year range listed in the right-hand column in the Awarding Institutions Table”中“from”是指毕业年份在此年之后都可以,而不是必须这一年
2. 工作经验认证相关问题: 我没有新西兰工作经验,过往10年都是在国内做IT管理工作,所以我填写的工作经验都是针对”ICT-Project Manager“这个LTSSL类别的。在EOI入选之后,为获得申请的45积分,我需要证明这段话“NOTE: Your work experience must meet the specific requirements set out for that occupation in the Long Term Skill Shortage List.”。但是这个如何证明?是否需要做ITPNZ?
2楼alewaterL2(12 Jun 2019, Hongkong)IT做ITP就可以了,另外如果本科专业是和你的职业强相关的,还是做个IQA,这样可以做skilled shortage的匹配,如果匹配上了,就不用做ITP了。@TA
3楼dfyycl(12 Jun 2019, China)@alewater: 我本科是电子工程,硕士是通讯工程,职业是IT类项目管理,貌似都不是强相关。这个情况是一定要做ITP吧?@TA
4楼alewaterL2(12 Jun 2019, Hongkong)@alewater: 去官网找LTSSL的原文,里面对于职业的相关专业都有list@TA
diegeL604 Jun 2019 ChinaDocuments required for an International Qualification Assessment (IQA) Discription of required documents Evidence of apprenticeship or trade experience: If you completed a formal apprenticeship, send QRS the contract of apprenticeship. This would have been issued to you by your employer, and will include the dates you started and completed the apprenticeship. QRS cannot assess stand-alone work experience and/or competency-based certificates. Depending on the pathway of the trade qualification, NZQA may not be the appropriate body to assess your skill set, abilities and/or competency in a specific area of trade. Evidence of underpinning qualifications: If you nominate a qualification for assessment that is at a higher level than a bachelor's degree but not the qualifications that underpin it, we need to see the educational pathway that allowed entry to that higher-level programme. For example, if you wish to have a master's degree evaluated, but not your bachelor's degree, we need information about the bachelor's degree. You can do this by uploading scanned copies of that qualification certificate as part of your online application. 有中文版或中文的准确翻译吗?
2楼jerodli(04 Jun 2019, China)Skip, 工作经验填写相关介绍, 但不用写, 因为NZQA里写了也没用, 最后如需要工作经验加分还是要EOI case by case check.@TA
diegeL617 May 2019 ChinaJack liu博客里的“有问必答”非常好,有些问题也是自己关心的,但都设置了保护,打不开,有什么方法可以看到里面的内容?
2楼Jack Liu作者L9(20 May 2019, Intranet)有问必答里面有些是发贴提问的时候勾选了隐私保护,选择不公开提问,这通常是因为里面涉及了一些个人隐私信息,发贴的人不希望自己的私人信息被公开浏览。一般来说,对于那些关注度高的热门提问,我会通过写博文的方式整理发布出来供大家查阅;另外,有不少贴子的问题其实是比较相近的,仔细找找就能从其他人的公开贴里找到有用的参考信息。@TA
5楼t2L1(04 Oct 2018, China)@Christiee: 我也想读幼教,但英语不行。只有本科毕业证,没有学位证,能申请到读商科硕士吗?@TA
6楼cmj721(05 Oct 2018, Hongkong)如果这个入读的课程是为了移民做准备的,而你又没信心通过雅思4个7的话,您可以考虑入读一些对本科背景无要求且有实习项目的课程,增加毕业后的就业成功几率,这类课程商科居多。目前我知道的有这样几个:怀大的硕士MBM(这个课程的实习只有一个月), 太平洋酒店管理学院(这个学校是个私立学校,实习问题我们跟校方沟通过,带薪的。只要你多沟通,他们会积极配合推荐并有较大机会转正),再者好像听说基督城的某个学校也会有相似的项目出现。希望我的回答能够帮到你。@TA
Michael_Carl15 May 2019 China现在的说法是读PGD,不属于紧急长期技能列表,不能申请加分。 我的疑问是,从下面18年11月份出的这个变动政策看,字面上理解,关于申请配偶工签这一项,似乎是针对学生本人的以前资历是否属于长期紧缺列表,而不是就读的PGD是否属。 例如我以前本科是电气工程,学士学位,按道理讲应该属于紧缺列表,是可以申请配偶工签的。 请高人解惑,感谢! require international students studying Level 8 qualifications to be in an area specified on the Long Term Skill Shortage list in order for their partner to be eligible for an open work visa.
Changes to post-study work rights for international students come into effect on 26 November 2018 Friday, 9 November 2018 On 8 August 2018, the government announced changes to the Post-study work visa policy to ensure that post-study pathways for international students are fit for purpose and provide the skills and qualifications New Zealand needs. These changes will come into effect on 26 November 2018.
The changes will:
remove the employer-assisted post-study work visas at all levels provide a 1-year Post-study open work visa for students studying Level 4 to 6 and non-degree Level 7 qualifications, with an additional year for Graduate Diploma graduates who are working towards registration with a professional or trade body provide a 2-year Post-study open work visa for students studying Level 4 to 6 and non-degree Level 7 qualifications outside Auckland, provided study is completed by December 2021, at which point the entitlement for post-study work rights reverts to a 1-year Post-study open work visa provide a 3-year Post-study open work visa for degree Level 7 or above qualifications require international students studying Level 8 qualifications to be in an area specified on the Long Term Skill Shortage list in order for their partner to be eligible for an open work visa.
2楼Michael_Carl(15 May 2019, China)纠正一下,第一行文字表述有误,应该是: 现在的说法是读PGD,不属于紧急长期技能列表,不能申请配偶工签@TA
3楼t2L1(22 May 2019, China)目前的政策貌似是读PGD的过程中不能担保配偶工签,但如果顺利毕业并取得open工签后就能担保配偶工签了...@TA
4楼lichin0607(05 May 2019, )我摘了下面这段,是从这里面看到要减5年的: If you don’t have a relevant recognised qualification, you must have completed relevant work experience specified by the ANZSCO for that occupation before the period for which you are claiming work experience points. For any skill level 1 occupation you can substitute the qualification specified by the ANZSCO with 5 years of work experience (even if the ANZSCO does not state this).@TA
5楼alewaterL2(06 May 2019, Hongkong)你这段话没提到减五年的事情啊@TA
谢谢 回复
这一条是否准确?? 回复
第二种,我看了移民操作手册,写着申请者需要被New Zealand organisation of national repute认可。
WR2.10 Definition of 'New Zealand organisation of national repute'
A 'New Zealand organisation of national repute' is:
a New Zealand organisation that has a nationally recognised record of excellence in a field of art, culture or sport; or
a New Zealand organisation that has a nationally recognised record of excellence in fostering exceptional talent in a field of art, culture or sport.
是否有一个明确的认证机构名册还是要case by case来确认??
请教了。 回复
EOI system shows Resident Visa = Pending
EOI status = Application Received 回复
如果不能算分数,那么我是不是除了换工作,就不能依赖我目前的工作来进行技术移民? 回复
Jack 你怎么看? 回复
a. 我是不需要做IQA的
b. 在EOI入选之后,为获得申请的70积分,我需要提供各类学历学位原件证明这段话“Note: If your qualification is on the LQEA all the requirements of the list must be met including the name of the qualification, the awarding institution, and the date it was awarded.”
c. 其中LQEA中说明的“the qualification was awarded from or within the year range listed in the right-hand column in the Awarding Institutions Table”中“from”是指毕业年份在此年之后都可以,而不是必须这一年
2. 工作经验认证相关问题:
我没有新西兰工作经验,过往10年都是在国内做IT管理工作,所以我填写的工作经验都是针对”ICT-Project Manager“这个LTSSL类别的。在EOI入选之后,为获得申请的45积分,我需要证明这段话“NOTE: Your work experience must meet the specific requirements set out for that occupation in the Long Term Skill Shortage List.”。但是这个如何证明?是否需要做ITPNZ? 回复
Discription of required documents
Evidence of apprenticeship or trade experience:
If you completed a formal apprenticeship, send QRS the contract of apprenticeship. This would have been issued to you by your employer, and will include the dates you started and completed the apprenticeship.
QRS cannot assess stand-alone work experience and/or competency-based certificates. Depending on the pathway of the trade qualification, NZQA may not be the appropriate body to assess your skill set, abilities and/or competency in a specific area of trade.
Evidence of underpinning qualifications: If you nominate a qualification for assessment that is at a higher level than a bachelor's degree but not the qualifications that underpin it, we need to see the educational pathway that allowed entry to that higher-level programme. For example, if you wish to have a master's degree evaluated, but not your bachelor's degree, we need information about the bachelor's degree. You can do this by uploading scanned copies of that qualification certificate as part of your online application.
有中文版或中文的准确翻译吗? 回复
选择在纽村工作,进而全家移民,大家可以给点建议吗? 回复
请各位前辈不吝赐教! 回复
当前的工作地点是在新西兰的奥克兰地区以外 +30分
这里的工作是指相关技术工作还是指任意一份工作(只要在奥克兰地区以外) 回复
require international students studying Level 8 qualifications to be in an area specified on the Long Term Skill Shortage list in order for their partner to be eligible for an open work visa.
Changes to post-study work rights for international students come into effect on 26 November 2018
Friday, 9 November 2018
On 8 August 2018, the government announced changes to the Post-study work visa policy to ensure that post-study pathways for international students are fit for purpose and provide the skills and qualifications New Zealand needs. These changes will come into effect on 26 November 2018.
The changes will:
remove the employer-assisted post-study work visas at all levels
provide a 1-year Post-study open work visa for students studying Level 4 to 6 and non-degree Level 7 qualifications, with an additional year for Graduate Diploma graduates who are working towards registration with a professional or trade body
provide a 2-year Post-study open work visa for students studying Level 4 to 6 and non-degree Level 7 qualifications outside Auckland, provided study is completed by December 2021, at which point the entitlement for post-study work rights reverts to a 1-year Post-study open work visa
provide a 3-year Post-study open work visa for degree Level 7 or above qualifications
require international students studying Level 8 qualifications to be in an area specified on the Long Term Skill Shortage list in order for their partner to be eligible for an open work visa. 回复